Tmnt slash
Tmnt slash

tmnt slash

Raphael doesn't take the comparison well after he witnesses Slash brutally attacking the other turtles. Shut Up, Hannibal!: Slash keeps telling Raphael that they aren't so different.Save the Villain: Even after everything Slash did, Raphael still tries to prevent him from falling off the rooftop.Rule of Scary: They never explain how Slash is able to perfectly mimic Leonardo's voice and silhouette.He actually doesn't run into any grievances this time. Recurring Extra: The old man that April duped twice in the first season returns.Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Raph complaining about Mikey ruining his magazine, Leo sticking up for him and Donnie causing an explosion makes him so mad that he takes away Donnie's mutagen as an effort to keep Spike safe, which ends up spilling on the floor and mutating Spike.ĭonnie: Way to keep that mutagen safe, Raph.Also, the manner in which he learned ninjutsu (observing Raph train for years while still a pet) refers to the origin of the original Mirage Studios Splinter, who did the same with his own master. Mythology Gag: Slash's logo on his belt might be a nod to the belt buckles in the original TMNT cartoon.Slash plans to kill Raph's brothers in order to "help" him. Murder the Hypotenuse: A non-romantic example.Once he mutates, Spike's personality becomes MUCH more aggressive, which reminds Raphael that although his brothers may annoy him at times, they still are his family. Morality Pet: An inversion: Slash used to be Raphael's pet.After this scene, Mikey's humor is almost entirely sidelined. He then says that him and Raph need to look for Donnie, and when Raph accepts. Before Slash's real motives are revealed, Michelangelo has a brief humorous moment where Slash's existence blows his mind.Mood Whiplash: In the second half, we go from Slash beating Raph up to Leo having a tea party with a little girl in her room.

tmnt slash

Lightning Bruiser: Slash is surprisingly fast, sneaky, and agile for a mutant turtle significantly larger than Raph and the others.This is also foreshadowed in the opening when he glares at Mikey along with Raph, and smiles when Raph hits him. He reveals that he always listened to Raph vent his frustrations about his brothers and watched him practice. Intellectual Animal: It is proven that Spike has always understood what others have said around him before he mutated.This is justified since he says that he had been watching the turtles train. He picks up on ninja skills pretty quickly. Imaginary Friend: Leonardo tries to convince the little girl he is having a party with that he is one.After drinking Mutagen, now he's a frighteningly efficient combatant, can hit as hard he can run and uses stealth just like the brothers, and can overpower the Turtles in a straight fight. From Nobody to Nightmare: Spike, even though he heard Raphael talk about his brothers, had no real ability to do anything about them except nod his head and chew his leaf while sometimes watching Raphael train.Dramatic Unmask: Spike removes Donnie's and Mikey's masks when he beats them.Do Not Call Me "Paul": After mutating, Spike insists being called "Slash".Divergent Character Evolution: Slash has numerous differences from his previous incarnations.Unlike the other episodes, the turtles once again end up bruised, their shells scratched up, and Donnie with a broken arm. Darker and Edgier: This episode manages to have the same dark tone "The Gauntlet" has.Dark Is Evil: Slash's bandanna color is black.Big Brother Instinct: Raph's love for his brothers is the reason why he went against Slash once his true desires are revealed.The closing shot is a group hug as Raph acknowledges that his brothers aren't so bad. Leo leaps into battle against Slash (not knowing that he used to be Spike) and at the end, Splinter reminds Raph that while he misses Spike, he still has his brothers. Donnie and Mikey still try to help Raph fight Slash even though they are both injured. When they find Donnie, Raph is the one who sets Donnie's sprained arm. Mikey and Raph want to find Donnie when he is missing (actually attacked by Slash.) Raph is horrified when he watches Slash attack Mikey. Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: All the turtles try to protect each other even though Raph was angry for much of the episode.Now, he's a mutated turtle with the body build of a luchador and a cunning to match. No longer is he the mutant turtle looking for his "Binky". The Turtles are hunted by a mutant turtle named Slash (who is actually Raph's pet tortoise, Spike), who has a personal vendetta against Raphael's brothers.

Tmnt slash